School is an organization where education is given to the students to make them capable for the battle of life and to make them learn on their own and teach one another.
Prime duty of the teachers and staff members to plan and act for the welfare of the students. For this purpose, they need ample amount of time. If they get free from other work like data management especially if they are doing manually, they can think and work for the progress of students and school
To fulfill this purpose, we have a software especially for school management which will save lot of time of teachers and other staff. In this software, we can plan our own fees structure, we can manage all the enquiries and admissions, generate fees reports and other necessary reports. We can manage library and all its functions in this software.
Every kind of stock and its sale purchase is also managed systematically with no ambiguity. SMS facility is also an attractive feature of this software through which we can send all kind of information to students and parents
Salient Features
Lets Click on Create a new organization
Click on Create a New Organization button. Create a New Organization window will open up
Type in all the details of School. By default, username and password is '1'. You can change, if you want to change. Click on Create Organization button. Details will be saved and our School is created now.
Login to software with the username and password you specified while creating organization
After login, we will come across main window. On this window, there are various buttons to enter into different operations of school. Other options are also there on window like Masters menu, Entries menu, Display menu.
Let's see current scenario of School Software Features
Need of Software in a School
A school's business culture is totally different from other trades. Unlike, in other trades the businessmen purchase some goods, display in his shop and sell to customer on some profit. Accounting means to them simply sale and purchase. But, in case of school, it is not true. Money circulation in school depends on fees collection. Fees is collected under different heads viz. Admission Fees, Tuition Fees, Annual Charges, Sports Fees, Computer Fees, Smart Class Fees, Library Fees, Newspaper Fees, Amalgamated Funds, Building Funds, Development Charges etc.
Fees to be collected under these heads becomes due towards student at different intervals. For eg. Admission Fees is to be collected only once at the time of admission. Annual Charges, Amalgamated Funds, Development Charges are collected once in a year. Computer Fees, Tuition Fees, Sports Fees, Library Fees are collected every month or bimonthly. At any point of time we may need to check how much fees is collected under a particular head e.g. "Tuition fees".
In a school, there are various classes from Pre-Nursery to 12th. Every class has number of students. Some students belong to General category or SC, BC or staff children. A school needs to create their fee structure on the basis of class and category. for example "Tuition Fee" from class 2nd is 500 From General Category, 300 From SC/BC category; From 3rd Class "Tuition Fee" is 600 (General Category), 400(SC/BC) category etc.
Manually calculating fees head wise dues, keeping record of every student's payments, creating list of defaulter students, tracking every detail about an issue is very time consuming process and prone to mistakes. In today's busy schedule, everybody has shortage of time. When parents come for fee deposit in a school, operator ask them "In which class is your ward studying...?", "You belong to which category..?.", "Is there any Brother / sister...?", "Are you also using school transportation..?" etc. means in manual working it takes appx 5-10 mins to calculate fees receipt of one student. If there are 100 parents coming for fees payment in one day. It means
Some of them have to wait for 3-4 hrs for their turn to come which in turn results in overhead expenses and anxiety among parents.
Lesson No. 1: Creating Fees Structure
Using I-Genius software, a school can maintain fees operations so easily and accurately. Just need to create fees heads and define fee plan of the school. Here we are going to show you how to create fees heads.
Click on Masters menu and click on Fees Head option
Group Name is a group under which we have included all our heads. Some schools want to create different groups. For eg. they want to show admission fees, development fees, annual charges under Management Group and other fees heads like tuition fees, library fees, computer fees, sports fees under General Group. To add more groups, click on + sign next to this field. Fees Head Group windows will open up.
"Building Fund" You want every quarter then select its frequency as "Quarterly"
"Examination fees" 2 times in a year, then select frequency as "Half Yearly"
"Tuition Fees" Every Month, then select it as monthly
Notice when you select your frequency, I-Genius ticks some months automatically. e.g. as you select "Annual", then "Apr" month is ticked automatically and intelligently. It means we are telling I-Genius Software that this fees head is to be taken in April month. Here you have option to change your desired month. If you want to take fees in Oct, then you can select "Oct". Generally whatever is practiced, that it assumes automatically.
Create Fee Plan
The main role of transportation system in every school is to pick and drop the students from and to their respective routes on time. For different routes, school has to charge different amount from students based on distance covered.
Create Route Plan
School charges different transport fees for different routes based on distance covered.
Generate Enquiry
Parents come to school for enquiry and school record all the details of a child at the time of Enquiry and Admission.
In Masters Menu, click on Enquiry Form.
Enquiry window will show a list of all the pending and successful enquiries previously recorded.
Enquiry window will show a list of all the pending and successful enquiries previously recorded.
Now, let's see how to generate a new Enquiry.
Generate Admission
School fills Admission Form whosoever come for Admission. If the parents did not come for enquiry before and came directly for admission, then there is no need to fill Enquiry Form. In Masters Menu, click on Admission Form. List of Students who are already admitted in the school will be displayed with few options in that window. There are few buttons at the top of the window for various functionalities which are as follows:
Create Admission
Fee Collection
The main area of concern in every school is fees collection. Fees management should be done properly and all the accounts should be maintained accurately. Let's see how to make fees receipt entry in this software.
If the fees is being paid after due date, we can charge Late fees from the student. We can give fees concession also. If the fees is being paid by cheque, enter all the details of cheque like Bank name, Cheque No., Cheque Date. Fees amount will be calculated and shown.
Library Management
In a library, all the books need to be managed properly, their issue and return transactions should be accurately maintained. Using school software, all the time consuming manual register maintenance work has been changed to digital and automatic.
Let's see how to make all entries of library in school software. First of all, click on Library button on main window.
In this window, there are few buttons to make library entries like new book entry, book issue and receive entries etc.
New Book Entry
Entering book details is very simple, just fill in the blanks.
We can see list of books as per Accession No., Author etc. We can take the print out of the list by clicking on Print button..
If we want to print barcode sticker, click on Print Sticker.
We can import and export list of book details from and to excel sheet.
Issue Books to Students
Now, let's see how to issue book.
Return Books
Let's see how to make entry for book returned by student.
Similarly, we can see all the books which are returned by students. For this, click on Books Receive Register button. We can send SMS also.
We can see the Ledger of books also. In the ledger, all the details like issue date, return date, days delayed, fine if any for a particular student will be shown.
There might be many books which are issued but not returned. To see those books, click on Pending Books. We can send reminder SMS to a student for books which are not returned by clicking on Send SMS button.
Attendance Manager
There is a facility of Attendance Manager also in school software wherein attendance of students is recorded like how many students are present, absent or on leave. Manual attendance record has been converted to digital.
Manual attendance record has been converted to digital. Let’s see how to mark the daily attendance of students.
We can see the attendance Report of the particular student by clicking on Summary button on Attendance Manager window.
There is a mobile App to take daily attendance in which teachers can make students daily attendance and the complete attendance will be saved in software using a button ‘Refresh Data from Mobile App’ at the bottom of ‘Attendance Manager’ window.
Stock Management
School needs to manage all the stock items received from the supplier like stationery, book sets, Sports items, music items etc. Every sale purchase entry needs to be maintained accurately.
Item Creation
All the items can be added this way.
We can search records itemwise or Companywise.
Set Creation
School creates books and stationery sets for students of all the classes.
All the set names will be shown in the right side of window. Double-Click on Set name to see its details.
Stock Purchase
School purchases items from various suppliers. All the purchase entries are maintained accurately in school software.
Material Issue
School issue items like books and stationery to students. To make material issue entry, go to entries menu and click on Material Issue. Material Issue window will be opened.
Fees Concession Setting
Sometimes, school give Fees Concession to students if the students belong to SC, BC or defense or handicapped category or if there are many children from the same family are studying in the school. Now, we'll see how to make Fee Concession Settings in this software.
Go to Masters and click on Fees Concession Settings. Configure Student Wise Fees Concession window will open up.
Type or search Admission No. All the details of the student associated with that Admission No. will be displayed.
Select Fees Head on which school wants to give concession. Fees value of selected Fees Head will be displayed automatically.
Type Concession%. Concession Amount and Actual Value will be calculated.
Click on Save to save the settings.
There are various search options in the above window using which we can search the record of a student to whom school has given concession. We can get the records in Excel sheet also by clicking on Excel button.
Creating Users
We can create multiple users who are going to use the software
Type User name, select Position as Super User or Operator
Type password and click Save
If we want to delete any user, first of all search user name by clicking on Search button.
Type user name to delete in the Search box and click OK or press Enter. Its details will be displayed.
Click on Delete button to delete user
Permitting and Restricting Rights to Users
We can permit and restrict different rights to users belonging to different position
Click on Add button, type Position Name. Click on Add button, type Position Name.
Check all the boxes of User rights which we want to permit to user and uncheck the boxes of User rights which we want to restrict.
Click on Save.
The position which has been saved will be shown under Position Name on the right side of window.
Double click on Position name, its details will be displayed.
We can make any modifications we want to make and click on Update button or if we want to delete this position, click on Delete button
Organization Information
We can modify the school details like its phone no., email ID, website etc
Go to Masters menu and click on Organization Info.
Organization details window will be opened.
You can make any changes you want in details and click on Save Changes.
Bill Sundry
School has to incur various charges at the time of stock purchase like Delivery Charges, Freight Charges, Labour etc
Type Charges Head, select Account to Post.
Select the option "Type of Charges". Click on Save.
If we want to delete or make any modifications in Charges Heads, select the row and click on Update button for modifications to be saved or Delete button for the row to be deleted.
Demand Bill Printing
If a parent has paid part of the fees and some amount is balance or any fee is due for particular months, then school give a Fee slip to student to pay balance fees. Then, parents deposit balance and due fees in the bank.
For this purpose, we go to Entries Menu and click on Demand Bill Printing. Demand Bill Printing window will be opened.
Select Date, class and press Select Date, class and press Enter key. Months will be displayed below.
Select the months for which we want to see fees dues. The students of the selected class will be shown whose fees is balance and due for selected months.
To take print out of the students record, select the records by checking the check box in the beginning of each record and click on Print button. We will see the Fee slip as below.
Quick Payment
School can make payment entries using this software. All the payments made by school like Books purchased from Book Supplier, Travelling Expenses, Water and Electricity Expenses are entered using Quick Payment option in Entries menu.
Select Date, Payment mode. Receipt No. will be generated automatically.
Select Account Name for the expenses incurred.
Type the Total Amount of expenses paid. Click Save button to save entry.
Click on Print button to take the print out of the list of payments made.
To delete any record, select the record and click on Delete button. Software will ask for confirmation if we want to delete record or not. Click Yes or No.
Quick Receipt
School can make entries for cash received from any source other than student Fees using this software. All the cash rceived by school like Prospectus Fees, Registration Fees are saved using Quick Receipt option in Entries menu.
Family Receipt
There is an option to pay fees in group i.e. if there are multiple students from same family studying in the school, parents can pay fees of all the students as a group or family. In that case, parents will be given family Receipt slip wherein fees of all the students will be shown. To take fees of the students in family, school must create a family name while filling data in student admission entry forms.
Good part of I-Genius is that all the reports are automatically generated as entries are being made. Let's see different kinds of fees reports.
Fees Receipt Register
We can maintain Fees Register the way School maintains manual Register. In Fees Register, we can see date-wise fees collected - late fees, concession, net fees, balance amount.
Print Multiple Receipts in One Shot. Click on Receipts button to see Fees Receipt as below.
Send Fees information to parents via SMS
We can take the print out of Fees Register. Click on Print button.
There is a search option also. We can search Fees Record based on Student Name or Admission No. or Month
Fees Summary Report
We can take the Print out of Fees Summary also by clicking on Print button in Fees Summary window.
Fees Monthly Summary
This report shows monthly summary of fees report for a particular head
Click on Print button to see the print out of the report.
Fees Dues Report
We can see Fees due - classwise, family wise, its status report and detailed due list.
If we want to see the report in Excel sheet, click on Open with Excel. To send reminder or any information through SMS, click SMS.
To print the list, select the records and click on Print button. The report will be shown as below.
Family Dues List
If we want to see the list of students of same family whose fees is due, we go to Family Dues List.
Fees Status Report
We can see complete Fees status of students, all the fees received and fees due for a particular family.
If we want to see the report in Excel sheet, click on Open with Excel.
Fees Dues Detailed
We can see Fees Due in details means under different differnt fees heads how much fees is due towards students.
Total Fees Dues - Classwise will be displayed. It shows the list of students with their total fees dues for all the months.
If we want to see the report in Excel sheet, click on Open with Excel.
To send reminder or any information through SMS, click SMS.
Defaulters List
School wants to see the list of students whose fees is pending. This software has option to see Defaulters list and we can send SMS and Reminder Letter to parents to remind them to pay the due fees.
Balance Fees Report
We can see the list of students whose fees is balance
Type Admission No. or Name or Class etc and click OK. The list will be displayed.
Yearly Fees Receivable
This software has option to see Yearly Fees Receivable, received fees and balance fees of individual class.
Demand Register
Demand Register gives an estimated view of fees receivable in a particular month
Very useful for Management level MIS Reporting, helps make decisions based on facts and forcasting reports
For Example a school wants to see how much is estimated fees to be received in month of July. then they can check demand register
Fees Card
Generate Fees Cards for Individual students.
Fees Card shows Received Fees and Due Fees of a particular student for a particular period.
Parents need this report for Income Tax purpose
Software will display the Fees details for whichever option is selected.
Class Report
Print List of students in a particular class, Search by Class, Section, Category, House, Address, City, Contact No. Student Name, Parent Name
Class Wise And Route Wise Student Strength
Sometimes, we want to see how many students are there in a class and how many students come from which route.
Receipt Book
We can maintain a Receipt Book for the total Fees collected during a particular period. This book shows the list of all students from whom fees is being collected along with their fees amounts. The total amount of fees collected is also shown.
There is a search option also shown at the bottom of the above window. We can search Fees Receipt Record based on Student Name or Admission No. or Class.
Fees Day Book
This report will show daily fees collection. It shows collection of all the fees Heads, Late fees, Concession, Net fees, Fees Received, Balance.
Fees Group Ledger
This report shows Head wise fees collection of particular Fees Group, Account Posting or Account Group
There is a search option at the bottom of the window wherein we can search the data accoring to Class, Section, Adm. No., Name or Family.
There are two options to show Student Detail also and Show Late Fees Also.
Fees Summary - Date Wise
We can see Fees Summary date wise means if we want to see fee collection of students in a particular period, we can go to this report.
The list will be displayed as per the selected option. There is one more option ' Club Fees Groups '.
If we do not select any option and select only this option, software will club all the Fees Groups and will display the fees collection list.
We can take the print out of this report also. Click on Print button.
Fees Category Wise Details
This report shows fee details of students belonging to particular category.
We can take the print out of this report also by clicking on Print button.
Fees Head-wise Concession Report
This report shows list of students who are given Fees concession on particular Fees Head by school. We can see Fees concession on particular Fees Head or particular class or particular student.
OR We can simply click Ok without specifying any Fees Heas or Class or Stduent name. It will show Fees Concessions given on all Fees Heads, Class or Student.
We can take the print out of this report also. Click on Print button.
Concession Register
We can see Concession Register also in which all the students who are given total Concession by the school. will be
Total amount of Concession is shown at the bottom.
We can take the print out of this report also by clicking on Print button.
Material Issue Register
This report shows list of students who purchased books and stationery from school.
Total Quantity of items, Bill Value, Cash Received and Balance Amount are also shown at the bottom.
We can take the print out of this report also. Click on Print button.
Stock Purchase Register
This report shows list of items purchased by school from different suppliers.
We can take the print out of this report also by clicking on Print button.
Stock Register
This report shows list of available and zero balance stock items kept by School, its opening stock quantity and value, closing stock quantity and value, its sale and purchase quantity and value
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